Global Training Program "Atlantic Project"-Top
グローバル人材教育プログラム「アトランティック プロジェクト」とは、プロジェクトチームの経営シミュレーションによる体験学習を通して、世界中の人たちとかかわり、協力し、ともに良い仕事をしていくためのコミュニケーションやリーダーシップスキルを学ぶことをテーマとしたプログラムです。
Global Training Program "Atlantic Project" is a program targeted at acquiring communicational and leadership skills to be involved, co-operate, and well collaborate with people in the world through experiencing a simulation of business management in a project team.
1.キックオフ編 約3時間
2.プロジェクト編 約4時間
The entire program consists of two parts, and the overview is as follows:
1. Kick-off Edition 3hours
2. Project Edition 4hours
The exciting story will develop from
"Atlantic Car",a vehicle that runs
towards the wind with wind power.
We are certain that participants can learn innumerable things through experiences as well as in an entertainment aspect, and that this will become an amazing occasion for learning. We hope that participants can learn the following things through this program for the first step for their bright future.
世界を舞台に活躍する人材を養成します。To develop global human resources.
Theme"To learn leadership and communication skills in order to play an active part in the world."
To learn leadership and communication skills.
To learn corporate strategy, management, corporate finance.
体験学習によるエキサイティングなストーリー展開:Exciting expansion
キックオフ編:Kick-off edition | プロジェクト編:Project edition |
<ねらい:Purposes> @チーム作り:Team building Aコミュニケーションとチームスキルの体得 :Communication and teamskill |
<ねらい:Purposes> @リーダーシップ:Leadership A経営戦略:Corporate strategy B企業財務の仕組み:Corporate finance Cマネジメント:Management |
"Kick-off Edition" is an introduction to the entire program, participants will be able to learn about motivation for the training, warm-up, team-building and tips for better communication. |
"Project Edition" is based on a business project team simulation. They can learn tips for effective teamwork, points to remember for organizational activities, leadership, communication, business management. |
Global Training Program "Atlantic Project"の学習内容について:Learning Contents
セッション:Session | 実習・プログラム:Program Contents | 学習内容:Learning Contents |
キックオフ編 Kick-off edition (3 hours) |
1.実習「総当たり自己紹介」 2.実習「ポスターを復元せよ」 3.プロジェクトチーム決起総会 1."'Round Robin' Self-introduction" 2."Communication through Pictures' 3."Restore the Poster" |
1.コミュニケーションの重要性 2.コミュニケーションの改善ポイント 1. Importance of Communication 2. Tips for Better Communication |
プロジェクト編 Project Edition (4 hours) |
実習「Atlantic Project」 @組織編制 A計画作り(作業工程と収益計画) Bプロジェクトの遂行 C決算 Exercise "Atlantic Project" 1. Project Team Structuring 2. Planning (work scheduling and profit planning) 3. Project Execution 4.Account Settlement and Financial Statement Drafting |
1.経営の仕組みと全体像 2.仕事の進め方の基本とマネジメントの仕組み 3.チームワークと組織の仕組み、協働の重要性 4.企業財務の仕組み 5.コミュニケーションとリーダーシップ 1. Management Mechanism and Overall Picture 2. Basics of Management Mechanism 3. Teamwork, Organization Structure and the Importance of Co-operation 4. Corporate Finance Mechanism 5. Communication and Leadership |
ねらいと諸条件に合わせて自由にプログラムをカスタマイズできます。:Program Design
時間 Time | 内容 Contents |
9:00 | キックオフ編 Kick-off edition |
Project Editionプロジェクト編 |
時間 Time | 内容 Contents |
9:00 |
キックオフ編 Kick-off edition |
時間 Time | 内容 Contents |
12:00 17:00 |
プロジェクト編 Project Edition |
プログラムの実施方法について:Program Implementation Methods
We offer two ways to conduct the program: the dispatch of instructors and in-house sourcing.
1.講師派遣による実施について:About Instructor Dispatch
We dispatch excellent instructors who can responsibly conduct the program.
Instructor Fee: \300,000+tax(per instructor per day)
※Teaching material fees are not included. There will be other separate corresponding fees.
※One instructor for up to 30 people
2.内製化による実施について:About In-house Sourcing
Once you purchase the facilitator's manual, your staff will be able to conduct the program. In this case, manual and material fees are required to be paid. (However, other fees such as a license fee are not charged.) Here is the price list of "Facilitator's Manuals" as below:
セッション:Sessions | 料金:Prices |
キックオフ編 Kick-off Edition | ¥20,000+tax |
プロジェクト編 Project Edition | ¥30,000+tax |
体験学習レンタル教材について:About Rental Teaching Materials
Atlantic Projectを実施するためには、以下の教材をご利用いただく必要があります。
The following teaching materials are necessary for conducting "Atlantic Project."
The teaching materials are all on a rental basis and to be returned to us after training, except for text books for participants.
※1 set per group, consisting of 6 members on average.
※Here are some of our teaching materials in the picture on the right.
ローコスト、ハイクオリティを実現できます。 Low-cost, high-quality
Low-cost, high-quality.For example,in the case of "Project Edition", your budget per student, can be performed at low cost 5,000 yen.
セッション | 1セットの内容(Contents in 1set) | 1セット料金 (Rental fee for 1set) |
キックオフ編 (Kickoff edition) | @受講者用教材 Study Noteキックオフ編(6冊) Kickoff Edition Study Note for Participants(6 booklets) A実習「絵によるコミュニケーション」 文字カードセット(1セット) The character cards set of the Exercise"Communication through Pictures" (1set) B実習「ポスターを復元せよ」 情報カードセット(1セット) The information cards of the Exercise "Restore the poster"(1set) | ¥15,000+tax |
プロジェクト編 (Project Edition) | @受講者用教材 Study Noteプロジェクト編(6冊) Project Edition Study Note for Participants(6 booklets) A実習「Atlantic Project」 資材セット(1セット) Material set of the Exercise"Atlantic Project" (1set) B実習「Atlantic Project」 工具セット(1セット) Tool set of the Exercise"Atlantic Project" (1set) C実習「Atlantic Project」情報カードセット(1セット) The information cards of the Exercise "Atlantic Project"(1set) Dアトランティック・カー 展示用モデル(1台) Model for Exhibition(1car) |
¥30,000+tax |
Dealings are in Japan only.