Exercise“Mt.Bottle Gourd” グローバル人材教育教材
Exercise“Mt.Bottle Gourd”は、グローバルコミュニケーション教育を目的とした、体験学習による実習教材です。グループメンバーが断片的な情報を持ち寄り、情報を整理統合して課題を解決していくタイプの実習です。
“Mt.Bottle Gourd”is a learning activitie for human skill development and global edcation. This training program is designed to get group members to bring fragmentary information together and sort and organize it in order to solve a given task.
During this training, communication and leadership among the group members will become so active that energy, concentration and comprehension as a group will be enhanced.
Each of the members may also be so active in participating in the training such that he or she will often intensify his or her concentration through the desire to solve the problem and comprehend other members with the aim of solving the problem.
Regardless of whether the group members succeed in solving the problem or not, they will often come across valuable experiences and learning tools through the training. They will also become aware of many of the skills that are necessary for effective communication, not in a superficial manner but with genuine feeling and effectiveness.
多言語バージョンが用意されています!(Multi-language versions are available!)
We provide Japanese version,English version about "Facilitator's Manual".
And We provide Japanese version,English version, and Spanish version about "Information Cards Set". Please use as global education and language training materials!
コミュニケーションスキルアップのコツを学びます。(To learn communication skill)
【実習の概要(Training overview) 】
1.実習のねらい(Purpose of the training)
("To understand necessary skills for effective communication through actual experience")
2.所要時間(Time required) 約2時間(About 2 hours)
3.グループのサイズ(Group size) 最適人数は、1グループにつき6名。4名から8名まで可能。(Optimum group size is 6 for one team. Minimum of 4 people〜Maximum of 8.
実績ある実習であり、信頼のおける教材です。(Experience learning materials)
なお、ヴィーナスアソシエイションの出版物や教材は、「ヴィーナスアソシエイション オンラインショップ」 にて扱っております。詳細案内やお問い合わせ、お申し込みは、ショップにお越しください。
You can conduct the program by internal staff.
You can buy manuals and teaching materials of Venus Association in "Venus association online shop."
(1. Facilitator's Manual of Exercise“Mt.Bottle Gourd”)
@日本語版(Japanese version)
A英語版(English version)
※全ノウハウ収録、A4バインダー(The all know-how,A4binder)
※日本語版、英語版、すべて共通価格です。(All the same price,Japanese,English)
※お得なダウンロード版もあります。(Affordable download version 20% discount)
(2.Information Cards Set of Exercise“Mt.Bottle Gourd”)
@日本語版(Japanese version)
A英語版(English version)
Bスペイン語(Spanish version)
※情報カードセットと正解の地図(Information cards set and The correct map)
(All the same price,Japanese,English,Spanish)
※1セットは1グループ分です。(1set for one group with 6 menbers.)